Realization Process

The Realization Process is a healing process led by the body, not the head, helping individuals to attune to their physical being. It begins with the premise that we are not fundamentally broken and that by deepening our connection to our truest self we can live fully in our body, feeling vibrantly alive and achieving our full potential.

The origins of the Realization Process lie with a former professional dancer, Judith Blackstone. In her quest to physically recover from an accident which ended her career, Judith tried many healing methods without success. However, after hours of self-exploration, she found that her body naturally balanced, healing both physically and emotionally and leaving her more content and without discomfort. In over 40 years since, Judith has taught the practices she developed to others who’ve reported the same results. Today, the Realization Process is best known in the USA but is growing in popularity worldwide.

There are multiple aspects to the process:

  • Meditation – meditating from our body, heart and mind to become open in these parts of our body.
  • Embodiment – using movement to learn to be alive and present within our body.
  • Healing Ground - releasing trauma-based patterns from our body, this is the psychological aspect of the process.
  • Moving Stillness - cultivating fluidity, presence and expressiveness.
  • Empathic Ground – learning how to heal our connections with others.

A unique approach to personal and spiritual development and growth, the process utilises a series of exercises to help individuals connect with their most authentic self, known in the process as the ‘ground of our being’. Whilst trauma is known to have lasting psychological effects, trauma can also cause the fascia, the connective network throughout our whole body, to become tight, tense, and restricted. We may experience physical aches such as a stiff neck, or tense shoulders. When practised frequently, the mix of sitting, standing and movement-based practices helps to soften and release this tension and support healing from deep within the body. The Realization Process aims for wholeness - an internal cohesion and holistic well-being.

The Realization Process supports spiritual growth through attuning to ourselves and the world around us and living as our truest self. It can help develop self-confidence, reduce anger, fear, and anxiety and enhance our overall well-being and vitality. By building emotional resilience, individuals find joy and happiness and embrace life more fully.

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